Monday, August 20, 2007

Love and Letting Go

Due to boredom, I decided to watch Brother Bear 2 on dvd which of course came from the Philippines since it's cheaper there. Got it for only $2 and it's 18 in 1 pa. Beat that! Haha! While watching the movie, I think I've now understand what it means to really let go. Koda (the little bear)loved Kenai (the man who became a bear) very much ever since his mother died and they would always go everywhere and do everything together. In short, they're inseparable. Kenai met Nita (his "childhood friend") again and he was a bit jealous of Nita because Kenai seems to pay much attention to Nita now instead of him. They have adventures and all but in the end Koda asked the spirits to change Kenai back into a man. Because even though Kenai said that he would never leave Koda because he is his "brother" (technically, they're not brothers but if you've seen the first movie you get my point), Koda could see that Kenai is not "happy". So even though Koda would liked very much (as in very much) to have Kenai remain with him, Koda choose to consider Kenai's happiness first before his own. In doing so, he really did something which was quite mature for his age di ba? It's probably because he realised that what good is it if Kenai remained with him and Koda would be very happy but seeing a sad look on Kenai's face is not something he wanted to see.

We don't need our loved ones to be near us all the time. Just seeing and knowing they're happy is enough for the people who truly love them.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking.
1 Corinthians 13:4-5a.

The ending is really great although I somehow expected it. The movie did not do as well as the first one but I somehow liked it because of the lessons I've learned from watching it. Hehe!

Now playing: The Parachute Band - How Do You Say I Love You
via FoxyTunes

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